This is a box of beautiful black obsidian crystals. Each piece is large sized or between 2 and 4 pounds and are packaged in boxes from 10 to 30 pounds. The finest and most exotic formations of obsidian are found in Oregon, one of the United States. All of the obsidian in the box was discovered on private and legal lands in Oregon.
Prices on these stones are very reasonable and drop quickly as the box size increases. As an example, the cost per pound of 30 pound boxes are one half the 5 pound boxes. All of the photos are examples of what to expect. These are examples to look very similar to what you will receive but Mother Nature is an artist and each stone is unique.
Rulers and familiar objects are shown in the photos to show sizes. The photos of individual rocks are examples of large sized stones and weigh between 2 and 4 pounds each.Photos that show a group of rocks are examples of how many rocks are found in boxes of the selected size. In other words, if 10 pounds is selected from the pull down menu, the photos will show examples of 10 pound collections. In addition, photos are tagged with the count of the shown rocks. The stones have been cleaned but otherwise are in natural condition and some dirt may still be present.
The stone has been photographed both dry and wet. These stones are from the finest obsidian formations in the world and found in the United States. This is top-quality obsidian and offered at reasonable prices. Forget the high costs of mailing rocks because. If you're seeking obsidian for the native power and energy it possesses this is good obsidian that because it comes from the world's largest deposit of obsidian.
Get several stones to scatter around the house or work space. Get one massive stone to act like your anchor; Scatter smaller stones to amplify the power. If you're looking for obsidian to flint and nap to create arrowheads or small spearheads again this is the obsidian you're seeking. Dating back to ancient times, the native Americans sought this obsidian to make arrowheads that were sharp, durable and lethal. Arrowheads made of this obsidian have been found over 2,000 miles away.
A single rock can provide hundreds of arrowheads. Back in the day, doctors turned to obsidian in the same way; fractured pieces of obsidian can have edges sharper than a knife and were used as medical instruments. If you're looking for stones to polish, you will find absolute beauty beneath the initial rough exterior. Cut, faceted or tumbled, you can turn these rocks into gems!
If you have a tumbler the right size to handle pieces this size, you will be delighted with the results. There is a gem hidden inside each piece, waiting for you to discover. Other places these stones look great are in tabletop or outdoor fountains, in your karesansui (zen sand) garden, flower beds, koi ponds or the bottom of the aquarium. The crystals offered in this listing are large sized or 2 to 4 pounds. We offer bulk obsidian in a variety of sizes and you might want to check out our other listings.
Very Small (under 2 oz each). Small (1 to 8 oz).
Medium (1/2 to 2 pounds). Large (2 to 4 pounds).
Very Large (4 pounds and larger).